Aerating your lawn is a great way to reduce thatch, loosen up compacted soils and make it easier for water and nutrients to reach the roots of your turf.
Even with the best care available, lawns can thin out and lose color due to excessive thatch build up, too much foot traffic or pet traffic through specific areas that create hard or compacted soils, or periods of high temperature, high humidity, or drought.
Reason #1: Aeration Regenerates the Roots
One of the main reasons to aerate is for regeneration of the root system. The roots are the delivery system that supplies the oxygen, water, and the necessary nutrients to support the life of the turf. An aeration treatment removes small cores of soil and thatch to allow air, moisture and nutrients to penetrate down to the root zone. Roots need oxygen to survive and grow. Aeration allows you to open up channels and get oxygen directly to the root system. These channels also serve as a funnel for water to reach the roots and create an undisturbed area for the roots to grow.
Reason #2: Aeration Oxygenates Microbes in the Root Zone
A plant actually grows its own garden of microbes along the surfaces of the root. Oxygen is also required by the microbes that live in the root zone. Microbes not only help deliver nutrients, but they eliminate waste that the turf secretes. Without them, you would not have a survivable lawn.
Reason #3: Aeration Makes it Easier to Change Soil Chemistry
Another important reason to aerate is that it provides a more direct way to add nutrients that can positively change the soil chemistry. For example, if a soil sample from one of the properties you maintain shows that the soil is low in calcium, aeration can help you introduce the calcium directly into the soil. It’s much more effective than applying it on top and washing it in with a lot of water.
Reason #4: Aeration Removes Thatch
Aeration is also a good way to remove excessive thatch. Thatch is the dark brown, felt-like material between the soil and the base of the grass plant. On first glance, it easily is mistaken for soil. Thatch is often a direct result of excess watering and high amounts of water soluble nitrogen. If you have excessive thatch (1” or greater), more than one aerification a year might be required since you can only remove less than 3% of the thatch (depending on tine spacing).
Reason #5: Aeration Helps New Seed Take Root
When trying to overseed into an existing lawn, core aeration can help to create a good seedbed for new seed. It gives the seedling uncompromised room to exist and take root. It’s much easier than trying to do so in an existing turf canopy.
In Conclusion
As you’ve read, there are many reasons to aerate lawns. The advantages of aerating greatly out number any disadvantages. If you have a customer that’s particular about their lawn’s appearance, assure them that the remnants of aeration are usually hidden away within a week because you have just created an environment for growth. In the medium to long-term, the turf will be healthier.