Hanging Lake is located in Glenwood Springs, Colorado. If you have never made the trip up to see this breathtaking beauty you sure are missing out. Here are 6 reasons why you need to visit Hanging Lake soon!
Because where else can you find a lake that is suspended on the edge of a cliff.

The site is also noteworthy for its thriving hanging garden plant community. Because of these qualities Hanging Lake was designated a National natural Landmark by the Secretary of the Interior in 2011.

Geologically speaking, there are few places in the world that can compare to this marvel of Mother Nature.

This place is just amazing!

Suspended on the edge of Glenwood Canyon’s cliffs, the clear turquoise lake and the waterfalls that spill into it are a breathtaking sight after the rigorous uphill climb.

Hanging Lake is a rare example of a lake formed by travertine deposition where the natural geologic and hydro-logic processes continue to operate as they have done for thousands of years.