Artificial Grass Installation Larkspur, CO
Lawn Pros has been serving the greater part of Colorado for many years. The company is known as a landscaping specialist but we have other services that we are equally proud of as well. For instance, we provide high quality artificial synthetic for the locals who wish to enjoy its numerous advantages. Many residents of Larkspur, CO have already expressed their interest. This is not surprising given the weather in the town which reflects the average Colorado climate. The people may also want to do more productive things rather than constantly think about yard maintenance.
The Advantages of Artificial Grass
1. Reduced water consumption.
Grass makes lawns look fresh and attractive. This is why so many homeowners exert so much effort into taking care of theirs. They spend a lot of time and money in it. The cost is high when it comes to natural resources as well. Some households use up more water for yard maintenance than for washing, drinking, and cleaning combined. With artificial grass, this is no longer an issue. There is no need to constantly pour water over them to prevent wilting. Almost 70% of consumption can be saved through the switch. This will of course result in a corresponding decrease in water bills.
2. No harmful chemicals required.
Since we are talking about a synthetic lawn, we do not need to think about keeping the grass healthy and ensuring that pests are out of the picture. No creature will be trying to eat the blades this time. Therefore, we can do away with all of the toxic chemicals like fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides. Every single one of them has become unnecessary given the non-organic nature of the grass turf. Family members with sensitivities will no longer have to worry about rashes, allergies, and other symptoms. Pets will be able to run around freely. Lots of people have found that it is better to use synthetic turf grass for dogs.
3. Beauty with zero maintenance.
Homes are reflections of the people living in the property. We all want to keep our yards clean and beautiful as they are one of the first things that people notice when they pass by. We want our neighbors to see us in a good light and, when the time comes, we want potential buyers to get a good impression of our house. This would allow us to ask for a good price. Artificial grass for lawns helps us accomplish all of these without requiring us to devote so much effort into it. Years onward, things will still look as great as they did in the beginning with zero maintenance.
4. Time saver for busy individuals.
Face it. Not everyone has the time to devote to lawn care. While we all know that it is good for us, there are so many things in life that pull us in every direction. We have to attend to our jobs for most of the day. Once we get home, we need to find quality time for our family. We try to be there for friends and pursue our hobbies. Spending hours cutting grass, adding fertilizer, and spraying pesticides does not appeal to everyone. Older people may also have physical limitations that prevent them from doing the necessary work even if they want to.
5. Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Since artificial turf does not grow, you will never have to turn on your lawn mower again. You do not have to feed it with fossil fuels that will release greenhouse gasses to the environment. Thus, your carbon footprint is lowered. The reduction can be pretty significant if you consider that some have to mow almost every week to keep their yards from growing into an unruly mess. For those that have a fairly large area to cover, then impact is even greater. They will save more money on fuel as well.
Why Go for Lawn Pros Larkspur Artificial Grass Installation?
1. 100% Recyclable Turf
Lawn Pros offer customers with turf that is made from high quality materials that are eco-friendly. This is 100% recyclable so there should be no concern as to what will happen to them at the end of their service life. They meet the standards set by the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design or LEED. This means that they are qualified to be used for Green Buildings. LEED is becoming more important as people’s awareness about environmental issues grow. Home buyers want to be certain that they will be living in a property that minimizes its harmful impact on nature.
2. Long-lasting Synthetic Grass
The company’s artificial turf has fibers that are able to resist deterioration. Natural causes of decline such as fungi, mildew, and microorganisms will not be able to damage them. They can even shrug off ultraviolet radiation so constant exposure to the sun will not be an issue. In fact, they come with an 8-year warranty that should provide customers with peace of mind. It is definitely a worthwhile investment. In most cases, the turf can last well beyond the warranty period. It is typical for this to be usable for ten or even fifteen years. Life expectancy can go up to 25 years depending on how it is used. That is quite a lot of value for your money.
3. Great-looking Turf
Just because it is synthetic doesn’t mean that it looks inauthentic. It will depend on the quality of the fibers used and Lawn Pros has one of the best fibers in Colorado. Residents of Larkspur will be happy with their new yard as things will look and feel natural. It will resemble a genuine grass lawn with the length of the fibers ranging from an inch to two and a half inches. Choose which you feel is best for your needs. It will be resistant to fading and premature breakdown thanks to built-in UV inhibitors. Homeowners can install it but professional installation is advised for best results. Contact Lawn Pros for excellent artificial synthetic grass and landscaping in Larkspur, CO.