Artificial Grass Installation Pueblo, CO

The multicultural community of Pueblo is located in south-eastern Colorado at the joining of Fountain Creek and the Arkansas River. There are a number of authentic experiences and unique places to explore in Pueblo. The state park, Pueblo Zoo and the Rosemount Museum are just a few of the adventures that await in Pueblo.

A flawlessly manicured lawn plays a major role in boosting property value and curb appeal. Additionally, a grassy backyard makes for a more relaxing space to unwind and entertain loved ones. It takes a lot of time, effort and money to maintain natural grass lawns. Furthermore, the environment can be negatively impacted by some of the techniques used to preserve natural lawns. The following are some of the benefits of choosing synthetic turf grass for landscaping in Pueblo, CO:

Environmentally Effortless

Lawn Pros Artificial Grass Installation

Artificial turf grass is an environmentally friendly product that assists you in lessening your carbon footprint on the planet. With an artificial grass installation, you could see up to a 70% reduction in your water bill. In addition, synthetic turf does not require pesticide, fertilizer or herbicide. These harmful chemicals contribute to the depletion of the ozone layer and they often have an unpleasant scent that could affect individuals. This is especially true for children, the elderly and individuals afflicted with respiratory illnesses. Eliminating the task of mowing the lawn will also reduce greenhouse gas emissions and save on the use of fossil fuels.

Dependable Drainage

The drainage system used with artificial synthetic grass is similar to the one natural grass uses. There are perforated holes in the backing of the artificial turf that enables the water to drain beneath the artificial grass. Crushed rock blends are also used in certain applications to assist with drainage.

Minimal Maintenance

Occasionally sweeping the artificial turf will keep it looking its best. Sweeping “fluffs up” the fibers of the grass and gets them back into a standing position. Additionally, the grass can be intermittently hosed off to rid it of pet urine or dust. A leaf blower or rake can be used to easily remove debris like twigs and leaves.

Perfect for Pets

When it comes to grass, dogs do not know the difference between what’s real and what’s fake. They enjoy rolling around in artificial grass and best of all, when it rains, dog urine effortlessly flushes through the drainage holes. Pet urine can also be hosed off from time to time. Another remarkable feature of artificial grass installation is that the surface will not stain. There is also specialized turf grass designed for heavy usage areas like dog kennels and doggy daycare locations.

Paradise for Petite Players

Artificial Synthetic Grass installation on a lawn

Having artificial grass installed in your yard is a great method of providing a safe, fun environment for your children. Your kids will be able to play without restriction on the turf grass installation, without any anxiety about them damaging the surface or tracking dirt or mud into the home.

Frees up Fun Times

These days, homeowners typically have a tremendous amount of responsibilities. You can save time, effort and money with artificial grass installation. Your newly found free time can be more wisely spent doing activities with your children or fuelling romantic sparks with your significant other. You could also use that time to relax and unwind from the pressures and stresses that come with everyday life.

Deterioration Defiant

Artificial grass has synthetic fibers that defy deterioration. These fibers are unaffected by fungus, microorganisms, rot and mildew. Artificial turf grass also has a patent-pending technology used to protect the surface against ultraviolet radiation.

Imaginative Installation

The process of artificial grass installation involves taking out existing sod and using a unique combination of crushed rock to make a base. The next step involves smoothing the surface, having the ground compacted and rolling out the artificial grass onto the prepared surface. The infill material is then applied. The application is done on top of the grass and a fertilizer spreader is used to spread the infill material, which is then brushed to the base of the artificial turf. The grass product choice and the purpose for which the turf will be used largely determine the quantity and variety of the infill. Typically, the infill is made out of sand, rubber crumb or a blend of the two materials.
Pinned in Position

Other than the infill material that serves as a ballast to weigh down the artificial grass installation, the edges of the lawn are pinned in place using non-corrosive, 7-inch spikes. To maximize effectiveness, the spikes have an approximate 3-foot spacing.

Long-lasting Lavishness

All year long, artificial grass installation will have the lush look and feel of well-kept natural grass. Choosing high-quality artificial grass will provide you with the very best results. Furthermore, depending on how the surface is used, syn turf grass is designed to last for 10 to 25 years. Additionally, there is typically an 8-year warranty available for synthetic turfs.

Forever Fresh-looking

Fresh-looking artificial grass installation

Some synthetic grass turfs have built-in UV inhibitors designed to safeguard against fading. The inhibitors have adequate UV protection and are combined with the yarn or fiber resin. This prevents premature deterioration of the fibers. Locally made artificial grass turfs manufactured from high-quality materials will give you the best results.

It should be noted that if the artificial grass installation is in the direct path of energy efficient windows, the magnified reflections could melt the turf. These types of windows emit magnification so powerful that it could actually melt items around the yard like sprinkler heads, kiddie pools and other types of tools and plastic accessories. Placing a tint over these types of windows could sufficiently remedy the problem of melting grass fibers.

Alternative Applications

Artificial grass installation can also be used in areas in which grass cannot grow. Additionally, it can be used to create rooftop gardens and miniature putting greens.

Your residential or business property can greatly benefit from artificial grass installation. Getting the best synthetic turf grass professionally installed will provide outstanding results.


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