With Lawn Pros can count on the your Holiday Season to be safe and hassle free with more time to enjoy family and friends in Colorado. You can also count on our Christmas light hanging service to make breath-taking, magical, festive, joy-filled, imaginative and awe-inspiring holiday displays.
Our Christmas light hanging service includes providing all varieties of Christmas light products, from traditionally based design and installation to the most innovative and creative installation design projects.
We’ve been hanging Christmas lights in Colorado for years and have installed lights on hundreds of homes, some small, some large, and many in between. With experience comes the know-how. We know exactly how to hang Christmas Lights so they always look straight, professional, and always work.
Residential Christmas Light Hanging Service
The company will trim trees on your lot, outline the lines of your home, and basically add a touch of holiday spirit to any existing fixture that warrants attention. It’s easy to go too far with any decorative effort, but Lawn Pros has the experience to maximize the visual quality of your display without sacrificing taste and subtlety.
Business Christmas Light Hanging Service
Lawn Pros has worked with scores of businesses, ranging from small companies to 50,000 square foot strip malls. Much like residential work, no two situations are exactly the same, but our expertise will allow us to maximize your decorative efforts and to minimize your costs.
Our mission is to deliver the best products and Christmas light hanging service available for simplifying exterior holiday decorating in Colorado with experienced, trained and trustworthy professionals that exemplify honesty, integrity, and the highest ethical standards.
Your investment in professional lights means they should always come on and turn off when you need them to. If you have any problems with your lights we will come back out and fix it. We understand sometimes problems arise, but it is our attention we show our customers that sets us aside from anybody out there.
Contact us today (720) 221-3606 to schedule your free quote as our calendar fills up very quickly.