The best looking lawns are not only well kept, they are also healthy. Lawn health care is a lot like human health care. Each case is somewhat unique and must be treated on an individual basis, taking the environmental conditions and the health of the lawn into consideration each time you mow.
Take a good look at the condition of the grass before you get the mower ready. This will give you time to decide whether you want to leave the clippings where they fall to provide nutrients or if you want to attach a bag to the mower and get a tidier look to the area.
Why Bag?
If you have neglected the chore of lawn mowing and have to cut back more than a third of the growth, it’s probably best to bag what you cut. Even if you have a mulching blade, you’ll probably get clumps of grass tossed around the yard. This is not only an unsightly outcome, but could lead to a buildup of thatch in certain areas that will give the lawn an uneven appearance.
If the mulcher doesn’t have enough power to cut and shred the height of the grass, the clumps will dry out and turn brown; making you wish you had used a bagger in the first place. The buildup could prevent nutrients from reaching the root system of your grass.
Benefits of Mulching
Mulching lawn mowers are intended to re-cut as you mow, leaving small bits of grass clippings on the lawn. Grass clippings can be made up of 5% nitrogen and 80% moisture, so leaving the cuttings behind is a good idea in times of drought or if the lawn needs a fertilizer, as long as the mulching isn’t adding a buildup of thatch. If your lawn mower is equipped with a mulcher that works efficiently, you won’t even see the clippings that you have left behind.
What’s Best?
Luckily, you can make the choice to mulch or bag each time that you cut the lawn.
- In times of high heat or drought, mulch to help retain moisture in the soil to reduce the stress to the grasses planted.
- If you have waited too long before mowing, or if an inspection of the lawn area shows a buildup of thatch, bag the clippings.
Key Takeaways:
Mulching is an environmentally friendly way to add natural fertilizer to the lawn, but if it’s not done correctly it could cause a buildup of thatch that will do more harm than good.
Need Help?
If you’re interested in some help regarding your lawn care, be sure to contact us today!
Lawn Mowing Colorado Springs Service
Our standard lawn care service includes mowing the entire yard, line trimming (weed eating) around all trees, posts, fencing, etc. We edge all sidewalks, patios and driveways with a blade edger and clean up of all trimmings. We use mulching mowers, as it is much better for the lawn. We offer both weekly and bi-weekly lawn care. However, we recommend our weekly service if you water your lawn, use a fertilization program or wish to thicken and improve the appearance of your lawn.
We will be happy to provide a free estimate the same day you call. We offer Weekly and bi-weekly lawn mowing in Colorado Springs. However, we recommend our Weekly service if you water your lawn, use a fertilization program or wish to thicken and improve the appearance of your lawn.
• Clean, Neat, Well Cut Lawn Free of Debris and Clippings
• Reliable, Same Day Service Every Week Fast Response But Not a Rush Job
• Conscientious – Gates closed and Environmentally Friendly
• We sharpen our mowing blades weekly! Dirty, dull mower blades are bad for your lawn and the appearance of your lawn.
• We switch mowing direction weekly! We mow four different directions per month! We have a system in place to make certain we don’t forget to switch directions and which direction to mow on which weeks!
• We have a $1,000,000 + liability policy to protect you in the event of property damage or injury to an employee working at your property!
*All offers are valid up to 5,000 square feet and include the entire lawn.
Lawn Pros
(719) 963-6267
3335 Landmark lane Colorado Springs CO 80910
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3335 Landmark lane 80910