Weed Control Colorado Springs

(719) 963-6267
Are weeds or crabgrass taking over your lawn? No need to panic, we’re only a phone call away! Weeds are simply plants that are out-of-place, crabgrass is the most common of these. There are two important factors in determining what method to use in managing weeds, and we are the weed killer experts in this area. First, in order to kill weeds you must first identify the type of weed. The most common weeds are annual blue grass and crabgrass. The life cycle of the weed is the second factor. Annuals have a one-year life cycle, biennials have a two-year life cycle, and perennials live longer than two years. Perennials are the most difficult to eradicate, but it is no problem for the weed killers at Lawn Pros.

Even the most beautiful lawn is likely to have weeds appear at some point. Keeping a lawn “weed-free” takes more than just having a couple of herbicide treatments each year. Nature finds ways to make sure something starts growing in any lawn that has become too thin. Bare patches of soil quickly fill up with broadleaf and grassy weeds of all sorts. That’s why a healthy, thick stand of grass is the very best weed prevention there is. Below are a few facts you should know in winning your war with lawn weeds.

All about weeds. The two basic kinds of weeds in most lawns are broadleaf and grasses. Dandelions and clover are broadleaf weeds, while crabgrass is a grassy type. There are also perennial and annual weeds with very different life cycles. Summer weeds have a thick, waxy coating that makes them the toughest to control. We have specialized approaches for controlling the various types of weeds common to lawns.

Mow high. Longer grass cuts off the light and warmth weeds need.

Water. Whenever weed control is applied, the results are much better when the weeds are actively growing. So, water if necessary at treatment time.

Regular fertilization is the best way to produce a healthy, thick stand of grass that can fight off invading weeds. Working together, we can keep your lawn beautiful and healthy while keeping most of the weeds out, too. Please give us a call with any questions you may have about weeds or any other lawn concerns.

Weed Killer
Weeds can become a major problem in your lawn if they are not controlled in a timely manner. Selecting the correct weed killer can be problems to some, so in order to be sure that you have selected the appropriate weed killer for the identified weeds, contact us. We will save you the unnecessary time of researching the weed and searching for the proper weed killer solutions. It is important to choose the right product and use it correctly. Our fully trained technicians are highly knowledgeable in identifying different types of weeds, and own all the necessary equipment used for killing weeds.
Of course you can go out and buy chemical weed killers from a convenience store, but they are only sufficient to a certain extent. Sometimes weed killer can be harmful to the lawn if used incorrectly. Also, some weeds such as crabgrass require more than just chemical weed killers to help eliminate them. Crabgrass is a common lawn weed that grows all season. From spring to fall, eradicating crabgrass requires various steps to take to help prevent crabgrass from reappearing.

The most effective method of controlling lawn weeds is to maintain a dense and dynamically growing lawn. Weeds are often an indication of problems in the grass plant environment, and killing the weeds without correcting the underlying issue will only result in the weeds reappearing. With our special equipment we are able to prevent undesirable weeds from reappearing each year.

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3335 Landmark lane 80910
(719) 963-6267
(720) 221-3606

English: Close up photo of a dandelion.
Image via Wikipedia

English: Crabgrass Weeds weed control

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